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Events Fundamentals In Lightning Aura Components

Event-driven programming is used in many languages and frameworks, such as JavaScript and Java Swing. The idea is that you write handlers that respond to events as they occur.

A component registers that it may fire an event in its markup. Events are fired from JavaScript controller actions that are typically triggered by a user interacting with the user interface.

There are two types of events in the framework:

  • Component events are handled by the component itself or a component that instantiates or contains the component.
  • Application events are handled by all components that are listening to the event. These events are essentially a traditional publish-subscribe model.

You should be also aware of different phases of DOM Events propagation which are as follows:

  • Capturing phase: the event goes down to the element.
  • Target phase: the event reached the target element.
  • Bubbling phase: the event bubbles up from the element.

Please get yourself familiar with these phases of DOM Events by reading a beautiful post over here –

In the next part, we would be learning about the Component Events & Application Events in great detail.

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