Use Third-Party JavaScript Libraries In Lightning Web Component
In order to use the external Javascript libraries in Lightning Web Component, you have to download the library from the third-party library’s site and then upload the library to your Salesforce organization as a static resource, which is a Lightning Web Components content security policy requirement.
In order to understand this with an example, we will be using the jQuery library. Please download and upload it as a static resource file in your org with the name jQuery.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import jQuery from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/jQuery';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
export default class JqueryDemo extends LightningElement {
renderedCallback() {
console.log('jQuery:', jQuery);
loadScript(this, jQuery).then(
()=> {
console.log('Jquery loaded');
greetingHandler() {
At Line 2 we are importing the library by its static resource name
At Line 3 we are importing the loadScript from the platformResourceLoader module.
At Line 9 we are loading the library by invoking the loadScript function. Please note that we are loading the script once the component is rendered. Thus, the loadScript function is invoked under renderedCallback()
<lightning-card title="jQueryDemo">
<lightning-button variant="brand" label="Click Me" title="click Me" onclick={greetingHandler} slot="actions"></lightning-button>
<p class="slds-p-horizontal_small" style="display:none;">
Hey! Have an awesome day :)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="" fqn="helloWorld">
Add this component to a lighting app page and check the output by clicking the button. You will get an output like the below:
Thank you for visiting
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